Year 2 > Year 2 Numeracy > Year 2 Number > Doubling numbers to 15 Activity
doubling numbers to 15 activity minibeasts

Doubling numbers to 15 Activity

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This is a great differentiated activity to teach doubling numbers to 15 for children in Year 2.  This activity supports the currently curriculum and helps children in their learning, especially when used alongside the doubling numbers to 15 powerpoint presentation, which is available to download separately.  In this activity children are shown an example on each sheet to provide a visual of what the expectations are, children should then draw and complete the grids to show their understanding of the maths process needed.  This has been given a minibeast them, to engage and enthuse children, it also fits perfectly teaching presentation if used alongside it.  Maths really can be fun!  Putting the love in learning one download at a time...

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