Year 4 > Year 4 Humanities > Year 4 Geography > Year 4 Improving The Environment > Climate Change Activity PDF Research Reporter Video Notes
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Climate Change Activity PDF Research Reporter Video Notes

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This is a great journalist climate change activity PDF file ready to download, print and teach.  Children can present a video report on global warming, highlighting key issues.  This resource provides learners with prompts which keep their report structured and give them things to think about. Useful Links on Climate change:
Activities | NASA Climate Kids
15 Nov 2019 ... Make an Ocean Ecosystem Dessert. Meet the Greenhouse Gases! Make a Garden Lampshade. Birds and climate change. Do a science fair ...
The Arctic Research Office (ARO) a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) run under the auspices of the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR).

ARO is the focal point for NOAA's research in the ArcticBering SeaNorth Pacific and North Atlantic regions.

In 1996, the Congress of the United States appropriated one million USD to support an Arctic Research Initiative within NOAA. In cooperation with the Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research, NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research used those funds to support research projects in two principal areas: natural variability of the Western Arctic/Bering Sea ecosystem, and anthropogenic influences on the Western Arctic/Bering Sea ecosystem. Support for the Arctic Research Initiative is ongoing.[citation needed]

The office administers the funds from the Arctic Research Initiative. It represents NOAA on the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee, leads U.S. involvement in the Arctic Monitoring & Assessment Programme, and provides a point of contact between NOAA and the Cooperative Institute and Assessment Program and the International Arctic Research Center.

climate change activity


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