Year 4 > Year 4 English > Year 4 Writing > choose nouns or pronouns appropriately Powerpoint Presentation
Nouns and pronouns powerpoint

choose nouns or pronouns appropriately Powerpoint Presentation

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PPT - choose nouns or pronouns appropriately Powerpoint Presentation Year 4 english writing. A fantastic Year 3 & 4 powerpoint presentation to give information on nouns or pronouns in a child-friendly way, 10 fantastic slides support learning by providing a true visual understanding of the link between nouns and pronouns. Interaction is encouraged throughout the powerpoint to assess levels of understanding from the beginning. A fantastic teaching tool to support SPAG in KS2. Key information is written to engage and increase levels of understanding. This teaching resource is complimented with nouns or pronouns related lesson PDF files, which are available to download separately in the nouns and pronouns category or 'you may also like' items below.  


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