SEN > SEN Primary Science > SEN Plants > Carnation Investigation Diary
carnation investigation recording sheet
carnation investigation recording sheet
Carnation investigation diary plant science SEN

Carnation Investigation Diary

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Carnation Investigation Diary This is a great science investigation into looking at how plants get water. Children can visually see the effects in the flowering part of the plant as the investigation develops. Encourage learners to take photographs at different stages to allow them to produce a diary of events which can be annotated. Questions can be answered on this activity finding key words to check the level of understanding. This printable goes hand in hand with the Carnation PowerPoint presentation which can be downloaded separately. Follow the instructions on the PowerPoint then complete the science investigation and observe and recording the results on this activity.       An abstract from this resource. - Complete the sentences by adding the missing words by writing them in or communicating by sign, symbol or verbal the answers to be annotated. Apple for the teacher resources have been designed by experienced teachers to assist Home Educators, Parents, SEN and Primary Teachers including NQT's, with assessment, lesson ideas and educational teaching resources. Please join our growing communities of Apple for the Teacher members at one of our social media groups to link and share ideas with other educational professionals and parents. facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagram Youtube Apple for the teacher Ltd Educational resources – putting children at the core of their learning


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